Notice to Boat Owners: 2018 Haul-Out Information & Form
“In light of both Leroy’s haul-out schedule and Nelson Construction’s dock work schedule, the MIYC Board of Directors is requesting that all boats be out of the water by Monday, October 8th. If you must stay in the water past October 8th, we will try to accommodate you as best we can. If you can manage to haul your boat earlier, this would be a great help and ease the haul-out congestion.
In addition, all dock boxes on C AND D DOCKS ONLY must be completely cleaned out and left unlocked, as the maintenance crew will be removing these dock boxes from the piers.”
Please review the following information regarding the upcoming haul-out season and return your completed, signed Winterizing Work Order as soon as possible.
After opening the form by clicking the graphic above, download the form to your computer and then open it in Adobe Acrobat Reader DC (or Acrobat PRO) to fill in and sign the form — use the Fill & Sign Tools. Then save the form to your computer and email it to MIYC.
(Click here to download Adobe Acrobat Reader DC for free, if you don't already have it installed on your device.)
You also can fill out the form online, print and then sign it, (or print, fill out and sign) and mail or deliver it to MIYC. Or use a scanner or Adobe Scan once you've signed the document, and then email it!
Haul, Store & Launch (HSL) Rates
Members—$18.00/ft. length-over-all (LOA)
Non-members who moored for this season in our MAIN marina—$24.00/ft. LOA
The winter storage rate for all other non-members is $5.00/ft. LOA per month of storage.
The LOA of a boat is determined by a measurement of the distance between two vertical lines fore and aft of a boat and it’s attached fixtures and includes all bowsprits, davits, dive/swim platforms, outboard motors, stern drives, etc.
The MIYC’s haul-out rate includes the hauling out of your boat, power spraying the boat bottom, & launch the following spring.
The rate does not include any winterizing work, which must be requested on the back (second page) of the Winterizing Work Order Form.
Steering wheels and/or tillers, as well as sufficient dock lines and fenders must be left on the boat for haul-out. If there are any special handling techniques or special underwater fittings that we should be made aware of, or unusual items in need of winterizing, please let us know before haul-out.
Good judgment and the Club rules require you to provide a safe and suitable cradle for transport and winter storage. In the interest of safety, the Club reserves the right to inspect your cradle in the near future. If you have no cradle, the Club requires owners with boats 35’ and under to have one made that can be transported safely by our hydra-hoist trailer to the storage site. If the owner intends to store his/her vessel on a cradle on Club premises, he/she shall be responsible for its adequacy, durability and maintenance.
Shrink-wrap Rates (materials and installation only)
Power boats under 18 ft…………………..…$13.00/ft. LOA
Power boats 18 ft. to 25 ft…………..….….....$15.00/ft. LOA
Power boats over 25 ft……………..……..….$23.00/ft. LOA
All sailboats with mast removed……….....….$23.00/ft. LOA
All sailboats with masts installed…….…....…$25.00/ft. LOA
Shrink door........$19.99
The above rates do not include construction of or materials needed for any special framework, or removal of the plastic material prior to spring launch. These are minor shop charges billed at the standard shop labor rate.
Experience has shown that the larger power boats (40 ft. & over) and all sailboats with masts installed must be out of the water by September 30th to insure that shrink-wrapping can be accomplished. After September 30, it may not be possible to shrink-wrap these larger powerboats or sailboats with masts left up due to weather conditions.
No shrink-wrapping will be done after October 31st.
Winterizing Work Order—Receipt Date Determines Our Schedule
Scheduling will be on a first-come, first-serve basis upon receipt of completed Winterizing Work Orders.
Experience has shown that all boats should be out of the water before mid-October.
If we do not hear from you, and in order to protect your investment, we will haul out your boat on or shortly after October 15th unless you let us know you will be using your boat beyond this date.
Please return the signed and completed Winterizing Work Order as soon as possible, even if you require no winterizing work done. These Orders are important for our records. Thank you for your cooperation and prompt reply.