MIYC 2022 Board Elections
Elections will be held this spring for three positions on the Madeline Island Yacht Club’s nine-member board, and for the officers for 2022-2023. The three incumbents for a three year term are Nick Eoloff, Dave Miel, and Christie Soderling, and all have indicated that they will run again. The current officers are also willing to continue:
Commodore: Tom Penn
Vice Commodores: Nick Eoloff and Matt Burton
Treasurer: Dave Miel
Secretary: Christie Soderling
Board service extends throughout the year, with monthly meetings of the full board and the managers, and ongoing project work needed to oversee all operations of the marina. The board welcomes other nominations from the membership for the director and officer positions. Please contact Elena at accounting@miyc.net with any nominations or questions you may have.
Nominations close May 20. The election will be by US Mail, and ballots will be sent with the Annual Meeting Notice.